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Simple Solution Pheromone Treated Pee Post

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Item 10001

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Description is below picture. Simple Solution Pheromone Treated Pee Post
The Simple Solution® Pee Post encourages pets to eliminate in a specific area of your yard. It helps maintain your lawn, makes clean-up easier, and aids in housebreaking your pet.

Frequently asked questions
Q: Do you place the Simple Solution® Pee Post where you want the pet to go?
A: Yes. The Simple Solution® Pee Post can be placed at a location in your yard where you want the pet to do his business. The location should be outside, in a quiet, grassy area away from the pet's food and water.

Q: Can the Simple Solution® Pee Post be used for cats?
A: No. The Simple Solution® Pee Post was developed especially for dogs. The ingredient used to treat the Simple Solution® Pee Post is used to attract dogs, thus cats will most likely not respond to the Simple Solution® Pee Post. Cats have a natural tendency to want to cover up their markings. So if a cat is outdoors it is recommended to use loose dirt or gravel to encourage the cat to go there.

Q: Is it harmful if my pet licks the Simple Solution® Pee Post?
A: No. It is not harmful for the pet to lick the Simple Solution® Pee Post. The ingredient used to treat the Simple Solution® Pee Post is non-toxic. It is unusual for the pet to put its mouth on an area where they go to the bathroom. However, pets should be discouraged from eating or chewing on any type of plastic material.

Q: My pet swallowed/chewed a piece of the Simple Solution® Pee Post. Will it dissolve?
A: The Simple Solution® Pee Post itself will not dissolve in the stomach. We recommend watching your pet's bowel movements and making sure the pet does not have a difficulty in going to the bathroom. The pieces will typically pass in their stool. If your pet shows signs of difficulty in going to the bathroom, we recommend having the pet checked by a vet. Pets should always be discouraged from eating or chewing on any type of plastic material.

Q: Do male pets train faster than female pets?
A: In most instances, male dogs will instinctively mark the area and will require little training. Female dogs may need more direction and reinforcement, but following the directions, female dogs can be trained to use the Simple Solution® Pee Post within a short period of time. Pets who have not established their marking patterns are the quickest to train.

Q: How long does the Pee Post last?
A: The synthetic pheromones that make the Pee Post effective are actually impregnated into the plastic not simply sprayed on the surface. Therefore, the effectiveness of the Pee Post is extended and will last up to one year once it is placed in an outdoor environment.

Q: I used the Simple Solution® Pee Post and it is not working?
A: BEST WAY TO USE: Place the Simple Solution® Pee Post in a quiet and grassy area, away from the pet's food and water. After eating or drinking lead the pet to the Simple Solution® Pee Post and let him sniff the area. Praise him when he performs. Do not scold the pet when he does not perform. Continue to bring the pet back to the Simple Solution® Pee Post whenever you anticipate that the pet may need to go. Housebreaking a pet is much like training a young child to go potty. It usually does not happen instantly but requires a training period. The best results are achieved if the product is used as a training aid.

Before the age of six weeks, a pup's eliminative functions are not yet voluntary. Bowel and bladder control develops gradually. At seven weeks and older, get to know your pup's body rhythms by charting pees and poops for several days. That will give you a rough idea of your pup's elimination timing and help you anticipate its needs. With your encouragement coupled with the use of the Simple Solution® Pee Post, your pup will begin to understand that there is an approved place for potty.

Although the product works in the vast majority of cases, there are many factors that contribute to the success of housebreaking a pup. In any case, if you are not satisfied with the experience you've had with our product, we strongly stand behind our money-back guarantee.

Manufacturer: Manna Pro
See all products from Manna Pro
Visit Manufacturer's website:
Simple Solution Pheromone Treated Pee Post
UPC: 010279130001

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