Hey, nice tank! That's the reaction you can expect when your friends and family see the Aquatop PISCES All-in-one Nano Bowfront Glass 5 gallon Aquarium Kit. With a sleek and modern design, the PISCES features a bowed, semi-circle front glass piece that makes a stunning display. Multi-stage internal filter included, with chemical, mechanical, and biological media. The touch-sensitive LED light is super bright and ideal for plant grown, it even has a moonlight setting! Ideal for shrimp and other nano critters. Superior form and function, all in a compact desktop-sized package!
Manufacturer: Aquatop
See all products from Aquatop
Visit Manufacturer's website: www.aquatop.com
Aquatop Pices Bowfront 5 gallon Aquarium Kit
UPC: 819603014709