API's Water Softener Pillow removes calcium, magnesium and soluble heavy metal
ions including iron and copper from your aquarium's water. This pillow is fully
rechargeable and one bag can treat up to 20 gallons. The pouch is extremely
helpful when trying to lower a tank's GH. Best for use with freshwater aquariums.
To recharge, rinse pillow under tap water. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of aquarium
salt in 7 oz of water. Soak in salt-water mix for 2 hours and then place in path
of water flow in the filter. A second rinsing is not necessary. Pouches are active
for 48 hours, after which they should be recharged.
The Water Softener Pillow can be reused up to 4 times before they should be
Manufacturer: Aquar Pharmaceut
See all products from Aquar Pharmaceut
Visit Manufacturer's website: www.aquariumpharm.com
API Water Softener Pillow Size 5
UPC: 317163001493